with Joel-Peter Witkin's photography.
Well, at least most of it. Some of it is a little much even for me.
Looking at his work has given me inspiration, and I would like to try out the scratching of the negatives that he does. I will not ,however, use cadavers as subjects. I don't know how that was legal to do anywhere, even Mexico. He was a strange man.

It was only a matter of time before you discovered JPW. I fell in love with his technique in the 90's. The subject matter makes it more irresistible, kind of like looking at a car accident, but the technique is amazing. I have wanted to shoot authentic glass plate negative, and manipulate them like this....but...it's a little difficult. Try working with glass over your paper while you print, and scratch and mark up the glass. It is too hard to accurately scratch up a 35mm negative. I am glad you are inspired again.
It's funny that you say his work is like looking at a car accident because I read up on him and a car accident is what started him being intrigued by cadavers and stuff like that. He saw one when he was little where a little girl was decapitated and her head rolled at his feet. But yea thanks for the tip I shall try that. And I'm also glad that I'm inspired again.
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