Yes. This is Selena. She took the photo of herself on her myspace and when I get bored I go around on people's myspaces or whatever and edit photos to see if I can make them interesting. Is that a creeper thing? I don't mean to be a creeper I'm just obsessed with photoshop. But it came out really cool none-the-less. I used a texture from deviantart.com

This is my nephew jackson. My sister took the photo which is actually pretty cool by itself. I put a texture layer from the floor in my garage.

I hated this picture originally. But it works well with the head in the clouds thing.

Another self portrait with a woods texture. I like this better than my darkroom self portrait.

I also used two pictures from deviant art for this photo. It kind of reminds me of Marilyn Manson now which is quite awesome.
As soon as it's light out I'm going to take pictures of a bunch of interesting textures. I haven't slept yet because I have an unhealthy obsession with this photography thing.
Hi~ I found your blog in the search engine, and suprisingly there were lots of nice photos to be viewed! It's akward, but more to awesome! ^o^
You should definitely be getting more sleep, but you are doing some really cool things. I really like the self portrait, and Marilyn Manson was my first thought with that other one. Keep it up.... but remember to sleep.
I'm completely in love with your style. how did you do the texture?
Thank you :D
I'm really bad at explaining so I apologize if you don't get what I'm saying. First you have both the picture you want to add texture to and a picture of a texture open on photoshop. Then you click the top button on the toolbar, or the one that looks like a plus sign with what looks like an arrow next to it. Then you click on the texture picture while holding down alt and drag it onto the picture you want texture added to. And then you go to the layer button and you go to the drop down thing that says normal and can play around with how the layer looks.
I love it! What you did to my picture makes it about 1,000,000,000 times cooler than it already was. [and just to say it wasn't cool at all before ^__^] and you're not a creeper. You're just an artist =]
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