Saturday, February 21, 2009

These were all taken from behind my shower door. It created a cool texture and blurred my face for some of them. I added other textures too. I want to try this again with a model that is not myself. I could get more interesting angles that way.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm absolutely in love

with Joel-Peter Witkin's photography.
Well, at least most of it. Some of it is a little much even for me.
Looking at his work has given me inspiration, and I would like to try out the scratching of the negatives that he does. I will not ,however, use cadavers as subjects. I don't know how that was legal to do anywhere, even Mexico. He was a strange man.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


So I've been losing interest in almost everything lately.
Sadly that includes photography which is why I haven't really posted anything in the past couple weeks or done my first assignment.
I also haven't done hardly any school work either.
All I want to do is sleep anymore.
I'm really going to go places in life.